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Una provocazione:

la Biennale 2008 si chiamava “Beyond Architecture”. “Oltre” non c’era niente.
Quella del 2010, di Kazuyo Sejima, si chiamava “People meet in Architecture”, ma la gente non si è incontrata.
La Biennale del 2012, di David Chipperfield, si chiamava “Common Ground”; e non è stato trovato un territorio comune tra gli architetti.
Forse Rem Koolhaas avrebbe dovuto chiamare la prossima “The times they are a-changin’”. Perché la cosa fondamentale ora è cambiare.

Just to provoke:
2008 Biennale was called “Beyond architecture”. And there was nothing beyond.
2010 Kazuyo Sejima’s Biennale was called “People meet in Architecture”, but nobody met.
2012 David Chipperfield’s Biennale was called “Common Ground”. No common ground found.
Maybe Rem Koolhaas should have called the next one “The times they are a-changin’”. Because foundamental now is to change.


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