L A B O R A T O R I O  D I  A R C H I T E T T U R A  E  D E S I G N


TYPE: Sport Club + Dog Training
LOCATION: Roma, Parco delle Valli
PROGRAM: 13 Containers 40′ Hc + 5 Containers 20′ HC
DESIGN: 2016
CLIENT: Container Home Italia s.r.l. ( www.containerhomeitalia.it )
TEAM: Lorenzo Pericoli, Claudia Scipioni, Alessandro Barile

Container Home Italia, is a start-up founded in 2014 and working on the conversion of 40 ‘HC and 20′ HC containers in architectural structures. The client asked us to develop a pilot project, in order to implement the functions that are already present in site, the “Parco delle Valli” in Rome.
The different architectural organisms shape a small sports center and a dog training area.
The sports center is made up of the main block hosting offices, bar and services, the locker rooms block, a ramp for skateboarding, and three towers for climbing workout. The dog training area hosts two architectural organisms, a clubhouse and a small structure for animals training.

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